Contracts are due on by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26. Please use the same login and password information you used during the online application. In the case of parents living in separate households, both parents must provide electronic signatures on the enrollment contract.
If you have any questions about your enrollment contract, please contact Beverly Harrington at
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Course Registration
Students will receive placement recommendations at the end of April and will complete course registration online from May 1-9. Instructions for using the online registration system will be sent with placement information.
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Math and World Language Placement Exams
Math Exam (option 1): Sunday, April 13, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 .m. (Chao Family Assembly Room) Math Exam (option 2): Wednesday, April 16, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Frankel Balcony & Dining Room) *Please click here to register for the Math Placement Exam by April 7.
World Language Placement Exam (option 1): Saturday, April 12, 9:00 a.m. (Chao Family Assembly Hall) World Language Placement Exam (option 2): Thursday,April 17, 3:00 p.m. (Chao Family Assembly Hall) *Please click here to register for a World Language Placement Exam by April 4. Study guides are available in the downloads section below.
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Summer Reading
Summer reading book information will be communicated to families in early May.
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Cheer Tryouts
If you are interested in trying out for 2025-2026 Cheer Season, please download the Cheer Information Packet and return the agreement form to Coach D'Hania Hunt by April 4. More details will be provided.
Important Dates: Cheer Clinic (learn and practice the skills needed to demonstrate at tryouts) March 31- April 3, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., Gym
Cheer Tryouts, April 4, 6:00 p.m., Gym
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Health and Information Forms
Once your student has officially enrolled, electronic health forms, and form due dates will be available to you via the student and parent portals.
Colleen Kimball: Director of Clinical Services (health information, questions regarding physicals, electronic health form (Magnus) questions, prescription medication protocol questions)