Lower School


Applying to Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a natural entry point when 42 places are offered, usually to 21 boys and 21 girls. Applicants to Kindergarten are considered on the following criteria: teacher recommendation, group evaluation with our teachers, and Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV) results.

Parent/Guardian meetings are for families new to the admission process. Current families or families who recently completed the process will not receive a meeting. A member of the Admission Office staff will contact you to schedule your virtual or in person parent/guardian meeting. All parent/guardian meetings must be completed by December 19. 

For Parents/Guardians of Kindergarten Candidates

I. We have two limitations regarding age: (1) candidates must be at least 5 years old before September 1 of the year they will enter Kindergarten, and (2) they must not have turned 6 before June 1 of the year they will enter Kindergarten.

II. The number of Kindergarten candidates tested each year is limited to approximately 175 for the 42 places available in our Kindergarten class. The list of candidates to be tested is determined as follows:
  • The names of all SJS community candidates are placed on the list of children to be tested. SJS community candidates are defined as children who have a sibling attending or who graduated from St. John's and children of alumni, faculty, and staff.

  • Names of new-family candidates are then added to the list according to the date of Future Kindergarten Inquiry, or at the discretion of the School, until the list contains approximately 175 names. Notification of those to be tested will occur via email. If we are unable to test a candidate, the parents/guardians will be notified via email. If you need to make an email address change, please contact the Admission Office. It is our hope that families of the children we cannot test for Kindergarten will continue their interest in St. John's for other entry points. We consider all applications for Classes 1-11.
III. Children who are among the list of candidates to be evaluated must complete individual cognitive abilities testing. St. John's contracts with Collaborative Academic Testing Service (CATS) to administer the WPPSI-IV.  Please note that we require all applicants to test with CATS. This evaluation must be scheduled by September 27. Testing from other evaluators will not be considered when evaluating the student's application.

An additional testing fee of $325 is due to CATS at the time of registration. A candidate may not test more than once during the admission season (August through December) and may not test at more than one location.

Parents/Guardians often ask how they should best prepare their child for the WPPSI-IV (or WISC) test. Please approach the test in a relaxed manner and make sure your child is well-rested and well-fed prior to the test. Parents/Guardians, please be advised that evaluators will report to the schools any indication that the child has been tutored or coached. Since this is an important and valuable metric, any "test prepping" may jeopardize the accuracy of the results and can lead to the disqualification of the school admission application for your child. Please visit the CATS website for more information on how best to prepare your child for the test.

IV. The second phase of testing occurs mid-late January and is in person. School-readiness skills are assessed in a small group setting. You will receive an email with your child's scheduled testing date and time. 

International Families and Out-of-Town Applicants

We look forward to working with families moving to Houston from other areas of the United States and other countries. We understand that the admission process may present some challenges given your circumstances. We encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible so that we may assist you with the admission process.
Out of town families applying for Classes 2–11 can complete the process without coming to campus. All testing can be done out of state and we can help facilitate. Additionally, interviews and parent/guardian meetings can be completed over video chat.
Out of town families applying for Kindergarten and Class 1 need to be on campus for their individual evaluation. Kindergarten evaluations will be conducted on January 16, 23 and 25, so that travel arrangements can be made. Kindergarten applicants will receive notification in mid-September of your scheduled date and time. Class 1 evaluations will be conducted December 4 (last names A-K) and December 11 (last names L-Z). We require out of town families for Kindergarten and Class 1 to have the WPPSI administered by CATS. If you have questions about this, please contact Tahra Peterson at 713-850-4119.

Out of town families for Classes 2-4 can schedule testing in their local area. Testing results must be received by January 10.

As a day school, St. John's policy requires that students reside with a parent, stepparent, or legal guardian. We do not offer a program for international students and do not issue I-20 visas.

Admission Calendar for 2025 Entry:

August 5 - Application opens
August 30 -
Kindergarten application deadline by 4 p.m.
September 22 - Kindergarten-Class 5 Open House, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m. arrival for last name A-K, 2:15 p.m. arrival for last name L-Z)  (Parents/Guardians only)
- The list of applicants to be tested for Kindergarten 2025-2026 entry is determined
September 27 - Kindergarten application fee due and deadline to contact Collaborative Academic Testing (CATS) to schedule the WPPSI
December 19 - Individual cognitive abilities testing administered by Collaborative Academic Testing (CATS) completed, teacher recommendation form due and parent/guardian meeting completed
January 16, 23 & 25 - SJS Group Evaluation
March 7 - Admission decision notification

St. John's School

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